It’s true: Most student loan debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. That does not mean that bankruptcy cannot help you if you’re struggling to repay student loans.
In our office, we often see folks struggling to pay their student loans because of other debt (like credit cards or medical bills), because they were out of work for a bit and are also working to catch up mortgage payments, or simply because their student loan payments are too high.
In many cases, we can use bankruptcy to wipe out as much debt as we can, allowing you to focus on paying your student loans or, in some cases, even manage the amount of your monthly student loan payments.
Would you like to explore whether a bankruptcy might help you manage your student loan repayment? We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your individual case.
Call today to set up your free consultation!
Roanoke: 540-981-9000
Blacksburg: 540-961-2000
Martinsville: 276-632-7000